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5 Fun Partner Poses to Try with a Friend


Looking to add some fun to your regular yoga practice? Check out partner poses!

Partner yoga poses can help you develop a better sense of alignment and coordination, as balancing in these poses requires collaboration. Yoga teaches us adaptability and harmony, and partner poses are a fantastic way to achieve these qualities while enjoying time together.

#1 Double Boat Pose (Navasana)

This energizing pose strengthens the core and stretches the leg muscles.

double boat pose
Double boat pose

How to do:

  1. Sit on the floor with your knees folded, with your friend facing you in the same position.

  2. Hold on to each others’ hands and make your feet meet.

  3. Pull each others’ hands for support as you lift your feet off the ground.

  4. Hold the pose for a few breaths and release.

#2 Double Tree Pose (Dvi Vrksasana)

double tree pose
Double Tree pose

The double tree pose stabilizes the hips and enhances focus while balancing.

How to do:

  1. Stand in mountain pose.

  2. Shift your weight to your right foot, and lift your left foot off the floor.

  3. Ensure your right leg is straight.

  4. Place the sole of your left foot high up on your inner right thigh.

  5. Keep your body balanced without leaning on either hip.

  6. Keep one of your palms against your friend’s palm (prayer position) at chest level.

  7. Lift the other arm and reach your friend’s palm.

  8. Remain in this pose for a few breaths.

  9. Repeat with the other leg lifted.

#3 Half Wide Legged Forward Bend Pose Partner (Ardha Prasarita Padottanasana Partner)

half wide legged forward bend pose partner
Half Wide Legged Forward Bend Pose Partner

This pose releases tension in the back and improves posture.

How to do:

  1. Place your palms on your partner’s shoulders.

  2. Walk backwards until you achieve a half-forward bend and your arms are straight.

  3. Ensure that your head and shoulders are in a straight line.

  4. Hold the pose for a few breaths and release.

#4 Double Dancer pose (Natarajasana)

double dancer pose
Double Dancer pose

This pose opens the chest cavity and improves balance.

How to do:

  1. Stand in the mountain pose facing your friend.

  2. Each of you will do this pose as a mirror image of the other.

  3. Raise your opposite arms and softly press your palms.

  4. Shift your body weight unto the leg on the same side of your raised arm.

  5. Lift the other leg and grip its tip with your free hand, keeping it at the hips level.

  6. Hold the pose for a few breaths and release.

#5 Double Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

double warrior 2
Double warrior II

This pose strengthens the hamstrings and improves grounding.

How to do:

  1. Stand in mountain pose.

  2. Extend and place your left foot forward. Slowly bend your left knee to resemble a lunge.

  3. Push your right heel inwards, at around 45 degrees. Press down equally on your front heel and the heel of your back foot.

  4. Lift your arms up straight with palms facing inwards.

  5. Meanwhile, your friend needs to practice the same pose in the opposite direction.

  6. Reach for each others’ hands, and look over the fingertips of your freely suspended hand.

  7. Hold the pose for a few breaths and release.

#6 Conclusion

Certain poses might be a little challenging to achieve if you and your friend have major differences in your physique. But remember to listen to your bodies and practice safely, and you’ll surely have an enjoyable experience.

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