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The Influence of Doshas

Each one of us is unique in our character, personality, and other attributes. These are generally observed based on the external behavior of a person. Interestingly, our inner constitution is similarly structured! This article explores the link between the doshic constitution of a body and its resultant physiological and psychological traits.

dosha elements
The elements that relate to each dosha.

Table of Contents:

What are doshas?

Doshas are described in Ayurveda, a Sanskrit term translating to “the science of life”. Known as the foundation of Ayurveda, doshas refer to the principal energies in our body and are categorized into 3 types: kapha, vata and pitta.

Every individual possesses these 3 energies to a certain extent. However, it is natural for one dosha to be more prevalent than others in each body. The constitution of doshas in the body constantly wavers due to changes in climate, food habits or lifestyle.

Depending on the predominating dosha in one’s body, one may lean towards specific behavioural patterns. For example, someone with a vata dosha is more likely to be a morning person as compared to someone with a kapha dosha. Similarly, in terms of diet, people with pitta dosha are more likely to prefer cooling, refreshing foods (such as salads and shakes) over heaty foods.

No specific body constitution is “better” than the others. Each body is a masterpiece of its own. For instance, bodies with a vata dosha generally tend to be slender and lightweight, while those with a pitta dosha have a moderate build and strong muscles. Those with a kapha dosha tend to gain weight easily and have a larger frame. By employing the right yoga postures (known as asanas), a suitable diet, and a healthy lifestyle, one’s limbs and organs can be vitalized to the best extent by balancing the effects of the 3 doshas.


Kapha refers to the mucous content in one’s body. Since kapha is composed of earth and water elements, it is natural for bodies high in this energy to show steadiness, coolness, and balance. People with such a constitution have a natural inclination to be athletic and appreciate carrying out routine tasks methodically. They are patient and loyal by nature. In general, those with a kapha dosha should try to stimulate warmth and energy in their bodies to ward off a sense of sluggishness. Some recommended yoga poses are the warrior pose (Virabhadrasana) and the cat stretch pose (Marjariasana).

asanas for kapha dosha
Asanas to help ease kapha dosha.


This type of energy is associated with air and ether. People with vata dosha are often highly energetic and lively. While Vata generates metabolism and fosters creative thinking, those with this type of dosha may experience digestive (due to excess air in the body) and circulation problems. Having vata dosha also means that a person may require frequent hydration to prevent dry skin and lips.

To pacify the effects of vata dosha, suitable forms of yoga practice would ideally encourage hip exercises and backbends. Recommended poses to ease the vata dosha include the cobra pose (Bhujangasana) and triangle pose (Trikonasana).

asanas for vata dosha
Asanas to help ease vata dosha.


Comprising predominantly of the fire element, and secondarily of the water elements, pitta dosha causes excessive heat in the body. Those who have this dosha might experience body inflammation and excessive perspiration. They may also possess a strong willpower to chase their dreams and are very passionate.

To pacify the pitta constitution of the body, people with such a dosha should resort to cooling and relaxing yoga poses. These include the child pose (Balasana) and camel pose (Ustrasana).

asanas for pitta dosha
Asanas to help ease pitta dosha.

Healing Dosha Imbalance

Yoga asanas, lifestyle habits, breathing exercises (pranayama), and similar practices can ease the effects of doshas on one’s health. Yoga instructors can assess the doshic constitution of their students before customizing a comprehensive yoga routine.

Eager to find out more? Contact us today to book a trial session!

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