Have you come across the sun salutation regularly on your Instagram feed, and wondered what makes this routine such a hot pick for fitness enthusiasts?
It’s about time to find out! This seemingly trendy practice dates back to at least 1500 BCE and is an integral part of yogic traditions. The Sun Salutation has proven over time to be an elixir for wellness and good health due to its ability to rejuvenate the entire body.
#1 Did you notice that there are many versions of the Sun Salutation?
If you search a little deeper on the net about this routine, you’re sure to discover that different yogis present a different version of the Surya Namaskar.
There are many variations of the sun salutation (Surya Namaskar) sequence, with different traditions and yoga styles offering their own interpretations. However, the classic sequence typically consists of 12 poses, which can be modified or expanded upon depending on the practitioner's preferences or the instructor's teaching style. Some common variations include Sun salutation A, Sun salutation B and Sun salutation C to name a few.
In the same way that the Sun shines brightly and provides clarity amidst darkness, the sun salutation purifies the body and mind when performed regularly. Practicing Surya Namaskar outdoors enhances the rejuvenating effects of this practice!
Although there are many variations of the Surya namaskar, some poses are standard for most routines.
The best part of the Surya Namaskar is that the basic routine is extremely beginner-friendly! Take a look at the key poses listed below.
#2 Key poses in Sun Salutation
a) Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Symbolic of standing tall and straight like a mountain, the mountain pose serves as a foundation for most yoga routines. This pose improves posture and concentration.
b) Forward bend (Uttanasana)
The basic forward bend provides an intense stretch to the body. This pose relieves tension in the back and energizes the nervous system.
c) Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
This prominent inversion pose often includes variations such as the 3-legged dog, or a version that includes pedaling. Down dog, as it is commonly referred to, widens the hamstrings and strengthens the upper body.
d) Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
Regarded as a mild backbend, this pose might seem like a mere transition, but it’s much more! Cobra pose helps us to connect deeper with the earth as we lay against the ground and balance the seven chakras in the body.
e) Plank Pose
Held in a long and thin manner resembling a plank, this pose builds core strength and improves metabolism.
#3 Benefits of Sun Salutation
While the Sun salutation might appear to be a rather simple exercise, research has shown that this routine works out almost every body part, making it a full workout.
If you’re not the kind who exercises regularly, introducing a new daily routine might seem like a big step. However, the routine can be intensified as one progresses along the yoga journey. Starting small makes progress easier!
Here are some reasons why you should:
a) Reduces distractions by calming the mind:
Modern settings bring several distractions into our lives, and focusing on a single thought or process seems demanding. Yoga routines such as the sun salutation drive one to focus inwards and place one in a meditative state.
b) Tones the muscles and builds core strength: Several poses within the sun salutation routine, such as the plank pose and cobra pose, stretch the abdomen and elongate the spine. This prepares the body for more intensive yoga routines or practice sessions, making sun salutation the perfect flow to begin your day with.
c) Stimulates the lymphatic system and builds immunity:
Yoga inversions are known to enhance lymphatic functioning and improve drainage of waste and old blood in our body. The sun salutation incorporates various inversions and twist poses, aiding the health of our lymphatic system.
d) Reduces fatigue and joint stiffness:
What most people describe as sluggishness or fatigue is often caused due to poor mobility. Practicing the sun salutation daily can improve muscle movement and rejuvenate the body’s energies.
e) Benefits off the mat:
Beginning your day with a potent yoga routine such as the sun salutation provides the mind with much-needed calmness and clarity. As is the case with any yoga routine, the regular practice of sun salutation instills the values of discipline, patience, and stability in every practitioner.
#4 Conclusion
All in all, the sun salutation has proved its efficacy in healing the body since ancient times. While the effects of this practice may take time to be noticed, the yoga journey of a million miles begins with a single step. Roll out your yoga mats and begin your sun salutations today. Don't forget to sign-up for our newsletter to receive more insightful yoga tips and articles!
Watch a short clip of our Sun salutation routine done in the lap of nature: